4 Ways to Boost Your Mood With Immediate Results

“Sometimes I feel like I need a pick-me-up ~ nothing major, just something to interject a little serotonin in my life! Don’t you?

When I was younger, going out-out would definitely have been my first choice ~ putting the world to rights with friends, lots of drinks and a dance at the end of the evening seemed to be the go-to option. But that isn’t always easy to arrange now ~ or if we’re being honest, healthy! We all have busy lives, I simply don’t enjoy it as much, and I really don’t enjoy the after-effects…

After doing a bit of research into the science behind it, I’ve pulled together a little list of some ‘quick wins’ that you can do ~ today.

1. A little bit of what you fancy is better than a lot…

The first thing that springs to mind is food. Whether you’re into savoury (crisps, McDonalds’s fries, cheese ~ oh my god, cheese…) or sweet (cake, ice cream, chocolate ~ oh my god, chocolate…), consuming your favourite cheat / syn / treat / naughty food makes you feel good. Why?

Science bit: When we eat sweet foods the brain's reward system gets activated. The brain chemical Dopamine is released, which signals that an event was positive (theconversation.com). Salt also induces your hypothalamus to release dopamine (healthline.com).

BUT, eating too much doesn’t make you feel better. Apart from the physical effects such as your expanded stomach pushing against other organs, making you uncomfortable (bloated, tired, sluggish or drowsy), you will feel guilty if you have eaten more than you know you should have.

So - have a little treat - it literally won’t kill you. Smug highs all the way… :-)

2. The one-stop shop to make you feel AND look good…

Facials are made to make you look good, right? Well, not just that!

Science bit: A study reports that facial massage activates your sympathetic nervous system, reducing your anxiety and uplifting your mood. There are lots of pressure points on your face that are connected to various systems in your body. Your body responds to every pressure point differently. So, the benefits of facials are not only confined to glowing skin but organs as well! “It’s very good for your face, and since it is impossible to know about all the pressure points on your face without being a professional, you need to visit a clinic.” (National Library of Medicine - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

Book a facial today ~ visit sueatkinson.com/treatments/environfacials.

Our Skin Consultations are currently free-of-charge and guide you to the perfect facial for your skin. Book your free Skin Consultation here.

3. Looking good makes you feel good.

Have you experienced feeling crappy all day because of a bad hair day? Perhaps you’re out of sorts because your clothes don’t seem to match. There is a connection between feeling good and looking good, as the latter makes you feel confident, brave, powerful, and healthier. The truth of the matter is that you will feel better if you’re confident about your overall appearance. Yes, beauty is skin-deep, but self-love is important for your mental health (kentuckycounselingcenter.com).

Science bit: In the world of sports psychology, the “look good, play good” idea boils down to two terms: enclothed cognition and self-efficacy [the power to produce a desired result] (usalaxmagazine.com).

So in short, if you look good, you feel and perform better in life. What a quick win!

Look-good-feel-good wins:

4. A good old-fashioned pamper…

Nothing beats a little bit of someone else looking after you - we can still call it ‘self care’. :-)

Science bit: Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, increase happiness, and more. It can help you adapt to changes, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks (mentalhealthfirstaid.org).

So, relax and indulge in feeling good… It’s bad karma if you don’t!

Hope to see you soon.”

Sue x

0114 228 0468 / 07887845440 / info@sueatkinson.com


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