Fat Dissolving Lemon Bottle

What is Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving?

Lemon Bottle the latest leading fat dissolve product which is acheiving amazing results

Lemon Bottle fat dissolving is the perfect treatment for most adults who just can’t shift pockets of stubborn fat, through traditional diet and exercise. Unlike invasive surgical options Lemon Bottle fat dissolving treatments are safe effective and require very little recovery time.

Benefits of Lemon Bottle fat dissolving

  • its a quick procedure

  • Significantly less discomfort to administer compared to other fat dissolving products

  • Non invasive/non surgical fact reduction

  • Fast results

  • Minimal downtime, mild redness, swelling and bruising

  • Cost effective in. comparison to other fat reduction treatments such as liposuction.

  • price starts from £100 but depends on the area to be treated

  • Unlike liposuction, fat dissolving injections normally lead too a degree of skin contraction and tightening, so your less likely to end up with loose skin around the areas you have been treated.

The Science

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving is a revolutionary advanced lipolysis solution for the face and body derived from plant products, the ingredients are friendly and work in harmony with the body.

Fat Dissolving injections work by liquidating fat cells and destroying them permanently. The broken-down cells are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.

What areas can be treated?

This treatment is for small pockets of fat which are resistant to diet and exercise, such as:

  • Double chin

  • Back fat - bra back fat

  • Arm fat (bingo wing area)

  • Stomach fat / six-pack definition

  • Love handles

  • Flanks and waist

  • Inner and outer thighs

  • The area under the buttocks

  • Bingo wings

Who can have the Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Treatment?

As long as you are generally healthy and don’t have any skin diseases or infections in the treated area, there are few medical reasons why you should not undergo a Lemon bottle fat dissolving injections treatment. However, it isn’t recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with lipodystrophy or are immunocompromised for any reason including type 1 diabetes.

Does Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving hurt?

As with all treatments that involve needles, the injections may sting for a few seconds, but generally, pain is minimal. We offer the option of applying a topical numbing agent to the treatment area to minimise discomfort.

When does it work?

Results can be seen around 1-3 weeks after the treatment, depending on the area. Multiple treatments may be needed; e.g., a course of 3.

Before & After

Before & After

We’re here for you.

We recommend booking a free Lemon Bottle consultation to help you feel more comfortable before proceeding with a treatment. We’re always happy to discuss your requirements on 0114 2280468 - give us a call!

You can see availability and book all treatments, packages and subscriptions here, with instant confirmation of your appointments.

You can purchase our beauty products from our Beauty Shop.

Fat Dissolving Treatments ~ Before & After


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